In emergency situations, lone workers should have access to a panic button or emergency response system because;
Many jobs in today's fast-paced world require lone workers to perform tasks without the assistance of colleagues or supervisors. These lone workers must be able to work independently.
Lone Worker:
The term "lone worker" can refer to people employed in a variety of professions, including but not limited to delivery drivers, security guards, cleaners, and maintenance workers.
Working by one's lonesome can be a liberating experience, but it also carries with it a number of dangers, particularly in times of emergency.
Because of this, it is essential for lone workers to have access to some kind of emergency response system or panic button in order to guarantee their own personal safety.
Emergency Situation:
In situations involving an emergency, the passage of time without support is of the utmost importance. The ability to rapidly signal for assistance can often mean the difference between living and dying in a dangerous situations.
Having access to a panic button or emergency response system provides workers who are on their own with a sense of security and the reassurance that assistance is close at hand in the event that it is required.
Push-to-talk systems:
Known as panic buttons, these are easy-to-use devices that can either be permanently installed in a location or worn by lone workers - similar to the emergency phone in a lift.
They immediately send a notification to a pre-programmed contact or emergency response team when they are activated, and that contact or team can then take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the worker.
Emergency response systems:
On the other hand, emergency response systems are more comprehensive and can include a variety of features such as GPS tracking, two-way communication, and automatic alerts.
In addition, these systems are typically installed in public places. In the event of an emergency, these systems enable lone workers to communicate directly and in real-time with an emergency response team, providing them with access to critical information as well as assistance.
Benefits of providing a lone worker panic button:
Not only do panic buttons and emergency response systems give workers who must perform their jobs alone the peace of mind they need, but they also assist employers in meeting their duty of care obligations.
Employers, including those that employ lone workers, are held accountable under health and safety legislation for the duty of providing their workforce with a secure and risk-free place of employment.
Employers can demonstrate their commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of their lone workers by giving them access to a panic button or emergency response system. This will allow the employees to contact help in an emergency.
In conclusion:
lone workers should always have access to an emergency response system as well as a panic button in the event that an emergency arises.
Lone workers now have a simple and effective method to call for assistance, thanks to the availability of these devices, which enables them to receive assistance in a timely manner.
They also assist employers in meeting their duty of care obligations and demonstrating their dedication to protecting the health and safety of their workforce.
In the end, making an investment in the safety of lone workers is beneficial for all parties involved, including the workers themselves, their employers, and the community at large.
My SOS Family provides a Employee Safety App with an easy-to-use and superfast access to a panic button; once activated, it sends notifications in the form of SMS's, Phone calls, in-app notifications, emails to a pre-programmed emergency contacts, one of them takes responsibility for helping and being the emergency response person, so others can stand-down and carry on with their work, knowing the emergency situation is being dealt with.
The emergency contact has all the relevant information like their location, any image or recording and can then take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the worker, either by calling them, calling the police, ambulance or fire brigade or others that can aid them.
All smartphones have the ability to add another call like emergency services and a responder who is a colleague, will know more about the person in distress than a call center operator situated hundreds of miles away in a call center with the pressure of having to deal with many other customers at the same time.
Find out more by downloading the My SOS Family Lone Worker Panic Button and Emergency Response App by clicking on the button below from a smartphone and be taken to the right app store and try the service for free.